Saturday, November 22, 2014

Knitted Santa Hat / Prjónuð Jólasveina Húfa

Uppskrift á Íslansku er hér rétt fyrir neðan.

Knitted Santa hat

I've always wanted a knitted Santa hat!
I think they got something old, vintage cozy feeling and they are just so nice, and I think is you put some work into it will be more personal, and i like personal things.

This hat is so easy! .....and i am not joking!

 Am not a knitting person, not because its boring to knit, I really like it a lot,   .......It’s just so time-consuming! 

I started knitting this Wednesday,  November 19.  and  I was done with it November 20th.  Yes!..  I managed to finish this, and just in two days, or ca. 4 hours all in all. 

That’s ca. two movies, which is awesome!


I leave here a similar formula, it is just like mine, except few things hehe.. the hat is 20 inches and it starts to compress significantly when you finish knitting ca. 7.5 inches.

Knitting Needles is 4,5mm , and I begin doing 90 sts. And knit the white hem 2 inches wide and then go to 110sts. and the again take it to ca. 30 sts. And just take more and more out evenly until I reaches on sts.  

And Note that this hat is worked from the ribbing to the tip, not like in this pattern, but you can do this and just go like a did.. or just do something haha.. 


I am not good doing a knitting pattern, and therefor not in English! hehe.. So I hope someone understand this or this just this will provides some ideas and creativity to do something Christmassy things for the holidays.

Thanks for stopping by on my site :-)

this pattern a fund her.. 

Santa Hat Knitting Pattern
  • RED HEART® “Holiday™”: 1 ball each 9560 Wine/Gold A, 1360 Aran/Gold B
  • Knitting Needles: 5mm [US 8] circular needle, 16” long and 5.5mm [US 9] circular needle, 16” long and doublepointed needles.
  • Stitch markers
  • Yarn needle
  • Pompom maker

Head Circumference: 18 (20)”.
Directions are for Adult S/M; changes for Adult M/L are in parentheses.
Gauge:: 18 sts = 4”; 24 rounds = 4” in Stockinette Stitch. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size needles to obtain the specified gauge.
Note: Hat is worked from the tip to the ribbing. Begin on double-pointed needles, changing to circular needle as is necessary.
With double-pointed needles and A, cast on 6 sts. Divide evenly around needles. Join, taking care not to twist sts. Place marker for beginning of round.

Round 1: Knit.
Round 2: [K1, M1] around – 12 sts.
Rounds 3-5: Knit.
Round 6: [K2, M1] around – 18 sts.
Rounds 7-11: Knit.
Round 12: [K3, M1] around – 24 sts.

Continue in this manner, increasing 6 sts every 6 rounds for 9 (11) more times, working 1 more st between each increase – 78 (90) sts. Work even until Hat measures 14 1/2 (15 1/4)” from beginning.
Change to B and smaller needle.
Knit 1 round. Purl 1 round.
Work in K1, p1 rib for 12 rounds.
Bind off loosely in rib.
With B, make pompom.
Sew to tip of hat.
Weave in ends.


Prjónuð Jólasveina húfa fyrir byrjendur

Ég sá í sjónvarpinu auglisýngu um daginn prjónaða jólasveinahúfu og mundi þá allt í einu að mér langaði svo mikið síðustu jól að prjóna eina sjálf fyrir dóttir mína en ég hafði þá aldrei neinn tíma fyrir það, eða gerði mér réttara sagt ekki tíma fyrir það hehe.. ég er líka reyndar búinn að vera ætla gera þetta í nokkur ár.

Mamma á gamla húfu sem er orðin nokkuð léleg og gömul, þannig að ég ákvað þessi jól að gera eina þannig að þessi gamla gæti tekið sér smá frí.

Ég byrjaði núnna á miðvikudaginn þann 19.nóvember..  og ég var svo búinn með hana daginn eftir þann 20. Nóvember! Yes.. ég náði að gera hana á tvemur dögum, eða ca. 4 klukkutímum allt í allt. það eru ca. tvær bíómyndir Sem er æði! 

Húfan varð reyndar of stór, þannig að það er kanski sniðugt að minka lykkjurnar í ca. 60 þegar byrjað er, en ekki hafa þær 90 ef verið er að fara í barnahúfu. En húfan passar allavega fullkomlega á fullorðin :-)

En hér er uppskriftin, en ég verð nú samt að viðurkenna það að ég kann ekkert að gera prjónauppskriftir þannig að vonandi skilst þetta eithvað.


2x 50 gr. ullargarn fyrir prjóna 5-6, og eitt 50gr. Hvíttkremað.
Ég byrjaði á því að fytja uppá 90 lykkjur á hringprjóna númer 4,5

Hvítur kantur:

 Eina slétta og eina brugna til skiptis þar til kanturinn er orðin 5cm breiður. Því næst er skipt yfir í rautt garn.

Rauður hluti, húfan og toppurinn:

Byrja á því að prjóna slettan prjón ca. 3 hringi og svo auka út eina lykkju í einu á 5x stöðum nokkra hringi.. eða á ca. 4 til 5 hringferðum.

Byrja svo að taka út þegar húfan mælist um 16 til 17cm (hvítur kantur mælist með) og þá taka vel úr og jafnt. 

Taka úr þar til þú ert orðin ánægð/ur með hversu lítil hún verður á toppnum og prjóna svo eins langt og þig lystir, hér í þessu tilfelli er þreingt nokkuð mikið og skipt yfir í sokkaprjóna þegar húfan mælist 30cm (hvítur kantur mælist með) og því næst prjónað ca. 24 cm leingra þar til allar lykkjur eru búnar. Því næst er bandið set í gegnum síðustu lykkjuna og gengið frá endum.

Húfan er án dúsk 51 cm á lengd. 

Ég bjó til dúskinn úr afganinum af hvíta garninu. 

....en jamm Mömmu fannst þessi húfa eithvað skrítin haha.. og náttúrulega allt of stór á litlu mína og hún vaaaarð náttúrulega að kaupa nýtt garn til að prjóna í litlu ömmugulið sitt.. jájá oki, hún er smá skrítin í laginu og smá laus á nokkrum stöðum og þétt á örðum, en hún er mjög fín á höfði! það finnst mér allavega, og ég að minsta kosti gerði þetta og náði að prjóna og það jólasveinahúfu sem ég er búinn að ætla gera í nokkru ár  :-)

Takk fyrir innlitið :-)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

School thing, Christmas things and clever tip for the upcoming tests!

Well,  the school is almost going to end, at least this semester and only ca. two weeks after!

I have to deliver three major projects, finish two tests in English and Danish and then I am done...

...Christmas her I come!

I cannot wait to go on holiday and just throw all that stress way and just go to work to save me some little money for my family little USA holiday trip to Florida! Yes, I am going to Florida whit my family in January and I can’t wait (more on that later in January).

Christmas has come to my home.. and it my think its December  24. in my head but my school keeps me a little busy so I'm not quite ready to decorate the hell out of my home.. I am okay for now whit some Christmas songs until the test session is over ;-)

Here are some pictures until the next of the last month.. some of them are taken in my school and other at home

 Black dress for my lovely mom :-)

And it's necessary, of course, to sew sometimes one my self and my little princess a Christmas dress.


The White Dresses who I am sewing right now for my aunt. Deliver day November 28. !

 the start....

Biaisband handsewn down

 picture taken in my school 

  picture taken in in my home 

My future studio.
Project I was starting on the other day in Technology class (the class is called Iðnfræðin in Icelandic).  


My Dad is in pretty much in Christmas mood right now, the house is glowing and i'ts more to come!


I bought these gorgeous shoes on my daughter the other day and I love them so much..  i really recommend them for the kids this winter.


I'm a very organized person as you can see her above, at least I think it! ;-)

  I'm some times doing everything at the same time and sometimes i don't know which one of my projects a have to start on now and which i have to finish now.

I went field trip with my school the other day and I saw one designeder at HuginnMuninn using this system.. and it is clearly working for me as you can see her below ! So I hope that you can take it and use this in yours christmas tests or in something else you are doing. 


.....and last but not least, my lovely record player.. what is better than to put one beautiful christmas album under the  needle and play while a sew and my little Dísa plays whit her toys... just awesome!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Interior design and bird's-eye view of Carrie Bradshaw's Upper East Side apartment and other good tv- shows

I am very much interested in interior design, and all of kind designs. I really enjoy seeing other people be doing something passion and flourishes there achieves. I really like to buy something that is real and designed, something that is known and that is something timeless.

I have since I was a little thought much how my room and home looks like, I think a lot of what things are and if everything fit together.

I also am a very free style, a little outdated, the match between the new and old.. and a bit of New York style.. Can not quite describe it without the images, but for example wall stones and industrial houses filings. You can see what I men in the images below, or on my Pinterest

On my Pinterest is lots and lots of images that have helped me whit my home, so I hope you al can find something there! there are two albums '' Ideas for the home 1'' and  ''Ideas for the home 2'' 

What I want to show you today is one that I come across, I'm a big fan of Sex And The City and I love Carry Bradshaw’s apartment! and thanks to artist Inaki Aliste Lizarralde we can now get a bird's-eye view of Carrie Bradshaw's Upper East Side apartment  and other good tv- shows apartments. I saw this a floor plans and more from others tv- shows and just had to share this with you,

Carry's apartment is not big, but still larger than I had imagined.. and it's just so wonderfully organized! and  I love what probably every other women love and some men too and that is her clothing room! I only dream about it and hope that this dream will one day come true! 

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